Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Donald Trump Essay

Trump's early years are a major part of what has made him successful in the past and in the present Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in the city of Queens, New York into the family of Frederick C. And Mary McLeod Drum p. His father, Frederick C. Trump was a realest developer and builder. He owned multiple middle income apartment buildings in Queens. Dona's mom was a plinth rapist, working with different charities. Donald Trump was an energetic and assertive e child and according to the site Biography. Com â€Å"His parents sent him to the New York MilitaryAcademy, hoping the discipline would help channel his energy in a positive m inner. † Trump was very successful in the academy, in both social and academic aspect TTS. In Biography. Com it continues to states that â€Å"Trump did well academically and socially, rising to be star athlete and student leader by the time he graduated in 1964 Trump's efforts and work in the business world have made him the extremely we althy man he is today. He is currently worth currently is 4$ Billion, and owns multiple realest properties.He also owns many hotels, restaurants, c salons, ND even various golf courses in the United states as well as internationally. T rump also hosts the reality Television show ‘The Celebrity Apprentice†. These properties, realest investments and his successful TV show would not have been poss. able if it were not for his hard work during his younger years in business. His massive f retune and wealth were acquired through hard work, connections, as well as his exec Lent knowledge Of the business world. Trump began his career working in the fame business, the Trump organization, which built and operated apartment build nags.Trump later moved to Manhattan, where he began expanding his business career be cause he became convinced of the economic opportunity there. Trump involved himself fin various building projects and opportunities in the city that would earn him high pr ofit s and recognition. Trump's personality and attitude are some of the defining factors that make him a very notable businessman, entrepreneur, and celebrity today. Trump's charisma and charm have helped him in his career as well. His charisma and personality as well as knowledge and communication skills are key to his such as.Donald Trump's interpersonal abilities are key to making connections in the b equines world and to achieve personal success. His ability to combine business knoll edge and Mr. Frangible great communication skills would seem to be one of the main factors that were e beneficial in becoming the successful businessman that he is. Trump's wealth, knowledge, and personality are a part of his major success. His wealth and success will leave behind a legacy and is an example of the economic opportunity in the United States.He would continually â€Å"set high tankards of excellence while expanding his interests in real estate, sports an d entertainment† Biogra phy-asp). Donald J. Trump has been a success in his personal life as well as in his professional and busing sees life. His entrepreneurial skills and his savvy knowledge and assertive skills put him In a successful pathway leaving a legacy and example of the economic opportunity y in the United States.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Evolution of Management Essay

EARLY MANAGEMENT Organizations and managers have existed for thousands of years. The Egyptian pyramids and the Great Wall of China were projects of tremendous scope and magnitude, and required good management. Regardless of the titles given to managers throughout history, someone has always had to plan what needs to be accomplished, organize people and materials, lead and direct workers, and impose controls to ensure that goals were attained as planned. Another example of early management can be found in the city of Venice, which was a major economic and trade center in 1400s. the venetians developed an early form of business enterprise and engaged in many activities common to today’s organizations. The venetians used warehouse and inventory systems to keep track of materials, human resource management functions to manage the labor force and an accounting system to keep track of revenues and costs. Two historical events significant to the study of management are work of Adam Smith, in his book,’ The Wealth of Nations’, in which he argued brilliantly for the economic advantages of division of labor (the breakdown of jobs into narrow, repetitive tasks). The Industrial Revolution is second important pre-twentieth-century influence on management. The introduction of machine powers combined with the division of labor made large, efficient factories possible. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling became necessary activities. There are six major approaches to management. They are explained as follows; 1) SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT Scientific management is defined as the use of the scientific method to determine the â€Å"one best way† for a job to be done. The most important contributor in this field was Frederick W. Taylor who is known as the â€Å"father† of scientific management. Using his principles of scientific management; (1) scientifically study each part of a task and develop the best method of performing the task, (2) scientifically select and then  train, teach and develop the worker, (3) cooperate fully with workers to ensure that they use the proper method, (4) divide work and responsibility almost equally between management and workers. Management takes over all work for which it is better fitted than the workers. Taylor was able to define the â€Å"one best way† for doing each job. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth were inspired by Taylor’s work and proceeded to study and develop their own methods of scientific management. They devised a classification scheme to label 17 basic hand motions called therbligs in order to eliminate wasteful motions Guidelines devised by Taylor and others to improve production efficiency are still used in today’s organizations. However, current management practice is not restricted to scientific management practices alone. Elements of scientific management still used include: 1. Using time and motion studies 2. Hiring best qualified workers 3. Designing incentive systems based on output 2) GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE THEORISTS This group of writers, who focused on the entire organization, developed more general theories of what managers do and what constitutes good management practice. Henri Fayol and Max Weber were the two most prominent proponents of the general administrative approach. Fayol focused on activities common to all managers. He described the practice of management as distinct from other typical business functions. He stated 14 principles of management which are as follows: 1. Division of Work. Specialization increases output by making employees more efficient. 2. Authority. Managers must be able to give orders, and authority give them this right. 3. Discipline. Employees must obey and respect the  rules that govern the organization. 4. Unity of Command. Every employee should receive orders from only one superior. 5. Unity of Direction. The organization should have a single plan of action to guide managers and workers. 6. Subordination of individual interest to group interest. The interest of any one employee or group of employees should not take precedence over the interests of the organization as a whole. 7. Remuneration. Workers must be paid a fair wage for their services. 8. Centralization. This term refers to the degree to which subordinates are involved in decision making. 9. Scalar Chain. The line of authority from top management to the lowest ranks is the scalar chain. 10. Order. People and materials should be in the right place at the right time. 11. Equity. Managers should be kind and fair to their subordinates. 12. Stability of tenure of personnel. Management should provide orderly personnel planning and ensure that replacements are available to fill vacancies. 13. Initiative. Employees who are allowed to originate and carry out plans will exert high levels of effort. 14. Espirit de corps. Promoting team spirit will build harmony and unity within the organization. Max Weber was a German sociologist who developed a theory of authority structures and described organizational activity based on authority relations. He described the ideal form of organization as a bureaucracy marked by division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules and regulations, and impersonal relationships. Some current management concepts and theories can be traced to the work of the general administrative theorists. The functional view of a manager’s job relates to Henri Fayol’s concept of management. Weber’s bureaucratic characteristics are evident in many of today’s large organizations—even in highly flexible organizations that employ talented professionals. Some bureaucratic mechanisms are necessary in highly innovative organizations to ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively. Weber’s Ideal Bureaucracy 3) QUANTITATIVE APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT The quantitative approach to management, sometimes known as operations research or management science, uses quantitative techniques to improve decision making. This approach includes applications of statistics, optimization models, information models, and computer simulations. The quantitative approach originated during World War II as mathematical and statistical solutions to military problems were developed for wartime use. The relevance of quantitative approach today is that it has contributed most directly to managerial decision making, particularly in planning and controlling. The availability of sophisticated computer software programs has made the use of quantitative techniques more feasible for managers. 4) ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR The field of study concerned with the actions (behaviors) of people at work is organizational behavior. Organizational behavior (OB) research has contributed much of what we know about human resources management and contemporary views of motivation, leadership, trust, teamwork, and conflict management. The early advocates of OB approach were Robert Owen, Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, and Chester Barnard. Their ideas served as the foundation for employee selection procedures, motivation programs, work teams, and organization-environment management techniques. The Hawthorne Studies were the most important contribution to the development of organizational behavior. This series of experiments conducted from 1924 to the early 1930s at Western Electric Company’s Hawthorne Works in Cicero, Illinois, were initially devised as a scientific management experiment to assess the impact of changes in various physical environment variables on employee productivity. After Harvard professor Elton Mayo and his associates joined the study as  consultants, other experiments were included to look at redesigning jobs, make changes in workday and workweek length, introduce rest periods, and introduce individual versus group wage plans. The researchers concluded that social norms or group standards were key determinants of individual work behavior. Although not without criticism (concerning procedures, analyses of findings, and the conclusions), the Hawthorne Studies stimulated interest in human behavior in organizational settings. In the present day context behavioral approach assists managers in designing jobs that motivate workers, in working with employee teams, and in facilitating the flow of communication within organizations. The behavioral approach provides the foundation for current theories of motivation, leadership, and group behavior and development. 5) THE SYSTEMS APPROACH During the 1960s researchers began to analyze organizations from a systems perspective based on the physical sciences. A system is a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole. The two basic types of systems are open and closed. A closed system is not influenced by and does not interact with its environment. An open system interacts with its environment. The Organization as an Open System Using the systems approach, managers envision an organization as a body with many interdependent parts, each of which is important to the well-being of the organization as a whole. Managers coordinate the work activities of the various parts of the organization, realizing that decisions and actions taken in one organizational area will affect other areas. The systems approach recognizes that organizations are not self-contained;  they rely on and are affected by factors in their external environment. 6) THE CONTINGENCY APPROACH The contingency approach recognizes that different organizations require different ways of managing. The contingency approach to management is a view that the organization recognizes and responds to situational variables as they arise. Popular Contingency Variables Organization size As size increases, so do the problems of coordination. Routineness of task technology Routine technologies require organizational structure, leadership styles, and control systems that differ from those required by customized or non-routine technologies. Environmental uncertainty What works best in a stable and predictable environment may be totally inappropriate in a rapidly changing and unpredictable environment. Individual differences Individuals differ in terms of their desire for growth, autonomy, tolerance or ambiguity, and expectations. CURRENT TRENDS AND ISSUES The following are the current concepts and practices are changing the way managers do their jobs today. Globalization: Organizational operations are no longer limited by national borders. Managers throughout the world must deal with new opportunities and challenges inherent in the globalization of business. Ethics: Cases of corporate lying, misrepresentations, and financial manipulations have been widespread in recent years. Managers of firms such as Enron, ImClone, Global Crossing, and Tyco International have placed their own self-interest ahead of other stakeholders’ welfare. While most managers continue to behave in a highly ethical manner, abuses suggest a need to  Ã¢â‚¬Å"upgrade† ethical standards. Ethics education is increasingly emphasized in college curricula today. Organizations are taking a more active role in creating and using codes of ethics, ethics training programs, and ethical hiring procedures. Workforce diversity: It refers to a workforce that is heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, age, and other characteristics that reflect differences. Accommodating diverse groups of people by addressing different lifestyles, family needs, and work styles is a major challenge for today’s managers. Entrepreneurship: It is the process whereby an individual or group of individuals use organized efforts to pursue opportunities to create value and grow by fulfilling wants and needs through innovation and uniqueness, no matter what resources the entrepreneur currently has. Three important themes stand out in this definition: a. The pursuit of opportunities b. Innovation c. Growth Entrepreneurship will continue to be important to societies around the world. Managing in an E-Business World: E-business (electronic business) is a comprehensive term describing the way an organization does its work by using electronic (Internet-based) linkages with its key constituencies in order to efficiently and effectively achieve its goals. Knowledge Management and Learning Organizations: Change is occurring at an unprecedented rate. To be successful, today’s organization must become a learning organization—one that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapts, and change. Knowledge management involves cultivating a learning culture where organizational members systematically gather knowledge and share it with others in the organization so as to achieve better performance. Quality Management: Quality management is a philosophy of management that is driven by continual improvement and response to customer needs and expectations. The objective of quality management is to create an organization committed to continuous improvement in work.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Solution for Air Pollution

2 March, 2008 The Solution for Air Pollution Society as a whole faces many environmental problems, and as a result, environmental awareness tends to be a pressing issue. Every day, people recycle cans, glass bottles, and newspapers. Many people buy bottled water, or own filters for their tap water, as a health precaution from the pollutants in normal everyday drinking water. Air pollution is perhaps the biggest environmental issue the Earth is facing. Automobiles are responsible for a notable amount of the air pollution problem. Of course, on the other hand so are factories. If the fight against air pollution were to be taken to a higher level, putting pressure on factories that produce air pollution will have a greater effect than focusing on automobiles. The solution for problems caused by automobiles can only be taken to the level of removing vehicles off the road that cause excessive pollution. A campaign to promote car-pooling, and the use of public transportation could be started up, but those types of promotions do not get enough support. Clearly, factories should be targeted for the best results. The environmental policies that the government regulates for factories or other companies who produce air pollution must be made stricter. Factories are causing enormous amounts of air pollution, the air in most metropolitan areas is filled with pollutants, and passing laws that are more strictly enforced could have a positive effect on the situation. Air pollution can be simply defined as â€Å"all the substances that are exhausted into the atmosphere that do not normally make up the air. There are numerous types of these pollutants in the air, but carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides are, by far, the most common. Such particles are expelled daily by leniently controlled factories through the continuous outpour of smoke. The primary process that creates air pollution is oxidation, which is simply defined as burning. This process has been going on for centuries, beginning when man first became aware of a very useful cooking tool, what is now known as fire. As technology advanced, major industries developed and began to use fires as a source of energy for power plants and the disposal of garbage. Air pollution has long been a factor with the issue of protecting the environment. For example, in the nineteenth century, people in London, England complained about the foggy weather that was created by the smoke from burning coals in the homes of people, as well as places of business. In December of 1952, the worst air pollution disaster ever recorded also occurred in London. Nicknamed the â€Å"killer smog,† this disaster occurred because of a temperature inversion, which is when warmer temperatures get hotter as they get further from the earth’s surface rather than cooler as they usually do. In this particular event, a cool front also moved in below the warm air, which caused more people than usual to burn coal, which is high in sulfur. Because of the warm air that had risen, the smoke from the fireplaces had nowhere to rise and was being pushed back down. This string of events produced the â€Å"killer smog† which led to the deaths of more than four thousand people. Because of this one horrific event, scientists became more aware of the effects that air pollution can have on a population, which has led to more in-depth studies. The same type of pollution, though in much more extreme cases, can be seen in cities today. The modern name for the foggy weather that these people were seeing is now referred to as smog. It is composed of mainly ground level ozone, which is caused by toxins in the air. These toxins are released mainly through the exhaust systems of automobiles and from factories. There are two main causes of air pollution: automobiles and factories. The dangerous effects that these two cause can be primarily attributed to burning, or more specifically, oxidation. When a substance is burned, it releases harmful byproducts that are emitted into the air and thereby become pollutants. The greater majority of citizens drive automobiles, and they are vital in everyday life for the purpose of transportation. There are many practical, cost-effective measures that can be taken to reduce the emissions of air pollutants, including the adoption of energy conservation measures and switching to natural gas. Many existing Clean Air Act programs, such as the acid rain program, and the ground-level ozone smog programs, if properly implemented, will do much to reduce the concentration of fine particles by controlling the pollutants. These give a hopeful outlook that the air pollution problem can cease to exist in the severe form that it now does, and with the support of not only governmental agencies and non-profit organizations, but also the help of everyday citizens, the problem can be overcome in no time. The air that people breathe everyday is critical to the very existence of not only civilization, but also the entire Earth; therefore, taking care of it should be a priority to everyone that inhabits it. A commitment needs to be made by all. It is not necessary for everyone to be radical protesters against factories and automobile manufacturers, but if everyone were to get involved, even in the slightest way, such as carpooling to work, the air that is inhaled by all as a matter of survival would be increasingly cleaner. The air pollution created by these factories is dangerous to the environment and to the health of people everywhere. â€Å"Industrial air pollution is the greatest threat to air quality in the United States. The factories themselves must not be treated as criminals in this matter; their intent is not to harm the environment, but to provide a product. They must be treated as fairly as possible, while still accomplishing the goal of cleaner air. Although this will be a long process, the end result of cleaner air and a cleaner environment will prove to be well worth the time, money and effort spent. References used: http://www. epa. gov/ http://www. yale. edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1986/6/86. 06. 04. x. html#a http://www-personal. umich. edu/~murty/techhype2/node16. html http://search. cancer. org/search? client=amcancer&site=amcancer&output=xml_no_dtd&proxystylesheet=amcancer&q=air+pollution http://www. npr. org/templates/story/story. php? storyId=873954 http://wrc. iewatershed. com/index. php? pagename=education_forest_02 http://www. ncstormwater. org/pages/workbook_pollution_solutions. html

Forms of economic dangers that threatened members of the lower classes Essay

Forms of economic dangers that threatened members of the lower classes of Europe in 19th century - Essay Example This paper investigates the many forms of economic dangers that threatened members of the lower classes of Europe during the first half of the nineteenth century and the measures they took to avoid or deal with these dangers. There were various economic dangers that various people from the lower classes of Europe faced during the first half of the nineteenth century. During this period most young people moved from rural areas to cities looking for work which resulted to high population growth in the cities. Although the economic life of the lower class in Europe had always been inferior, it greatly deteriorated during the early part of the nineteenth century. The key economic threats they faced included, starvation, unemployment, poor living conditions, lack of good sanitation and water, overcrowding, deskilling, low wages as noted by Etienne Bede in his first job (Traugott 52), poor working conditions, lack job protection, and social and political tensions (Zeydel). The rapid rise i n population due to the impact of the industrial revolution as well as the movement of people from rural areas to urban areas, resulted to food shortages in the early nineteenth century with most of the lower class people facing starvation and not able to afford food. Furthermore, Poor food (cereal) harvests and the potato blight that attacked potato crops in Ireland resulted to wide spread food shortages and food riots, and a sharp in food prices way beyond the means of the lower class (Vanhaute, Paping, and O’Grada 2-5). Norbert Truquin in his biography recounts of near starvation spells as he barely earned enough and the food prices were high (Traugott 263-265). In early nineteenth century, life was penurious for the lower class. There was no protection of jobs and a person could easily lose their jobs. While factories attempted to provide steady work to their employees, where there wasn’t much to be done, the factories would close up. Or in Truquin’s case, h e found it hard to find work since factories had closed. And when he did find work, it only lasted for twelve days, earning barely enough to support him (Traugott 281-283). Furthermore, the political and social tensions were prevalent, and greatly presented a threat to the workers sustaining their daily jobs. Etienne Bede recounts of his fear in working as well his hesitation to open shop at his home town due to fear of being arrested for abandoning the army (Traugott 56, 58). Furthermore, worker class actions in protest of poor working conditions and low wages for most made things even worse for low class working persons. This can be noted in Truiquin’s case where ran out of money within four days after taking part in a demonstration against the government for unemployment and bad working conditions (Traugott 280-282). Furthermore, Suzanne Voilquin reiterates that most periods after restoration as exceeding depressing and distressing for worker (Traugott 101). For the workme n of organized trade such as Perdiguier, jobs tended to be seasonal and hence they had to travel looking for work

Sunday, July 28, 2019

IT - Helpdesk Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IT - Helpdesk Concepts - Essay Example The solution of these problems is usually hierarchical and they are tackled as such (Sanderson, p.34). The main aim of a help desk or a service desk is to help guide the user to solve problems without having to consult a technician. Some help desk services use special software that is used to enter data about the user’s problem. This software assigns the problem a unique tag identification that can be used to track the problem (Beisse, p. 98). Tracking helps the company follow up on the problem and check on the user's progress. This improves customers’ feedback service. The user’s interaction with the systems can determine whether they will continue using the product or service, or they will stop. Therefore it is very vital that the help desk monitor the users and get feedback to help them improve the system. The Call Experience. The helpdesk chosen for this paper was the Verizon helpdesk. Verizon help desk provides mobile telephone solutions and IT solutions to various problems. The reason this was a preference was because it dealt with the two aspects. This would provide a comprehensive view of how a typical interaction would go. After I made the call, the response took about 8 to 10 seconds. This is considered good time because the typical wait period is about 20 seconds. The response however sometimes depends on the amount of user traffic to the systems at the time. After the response the voice prompt welcomed me to their help desk and explained their purpose and the services they provide. I found this information useful because they gave a detailed explanation of the services they provided. They also guaranteed good service and delivery. This information is useful to a new user who is not aware of the exact services the company provides. After the welcome message they offered more information about their product. This provided good insight, though I found that the time they take to talk about their services may be a bit too long and co uld use some reduction. This can be an inconvenience when the caller is in a hurry to get an urgent problem solved. After the messages about their services, the voice prompt gave the option of a preferred language. This is an essential feature in the help desk structure, because not all users are native speakers. They might not be able to cover all the languages but they can have a facility for the main languages used. This will cater for non –English speaking users. The prompt gave the option of using 1 for English and 2 for Spanish. After pressing 1 for English, the prompt asked me to verify my number and password. This is an essential security feature, because someone might be using you phone to make the call. Verification of identity is one of the initial steps taken when contacting a help desk. This helps with identifying you correctly, and opening a ticket for you. The ticket is used as a reference to that session. After number verification, I was asked to specify type of service. The options offered were 1 for wireless phones and 2 for residential phones. These options cater for all the types of users that are catered for by Verizon. After pressing 1 for the wireless option, the prompt asked me to press 1 for prepaid services, 2 for postpaid services and hash to go back to the main menu. This distinction is essential for users. This is due to the difference in problems that might be experienced in the two services. The hash option to go back to the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Large project success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Large project success - Essay Example The advantages of risk management are vital to a projects success. Addressing the risks in the right manner decreases the problems within the project (Susser, 2012). The next step to deal with the risks is to assign ownership. Assigning of ownership refers to identifying the right person to be responsible for a certain risk in case it occurs. The identified person is accountable to either decrease the threat or capitalize on the opportunity. The people responsible should identify the possible causes of their assigned risk. The other step is to estimate the risks. Upon identifying the risks, it is the responsibility of the IT project managers to assess the likelihood of the threat. Among the approach to estimate the risk is to make an effective probability and multiply it with the amount it will cost to resolve. This provides an impact value related to the risk. Another step to take is to analyze the risk. Analyzing the risk includes getting answers to what the risk is about, its effects, and causes. After analyzing, the other step is to manage the risk. This includes planning and immediately implementing a response to the risk. These plans inclu de transferring the risk, avoiding the source of the risk, minimizing the risk, and accepting it. Once these steps are followed, it is evident that the IT projects risks will be dealt with effectively (Kendrick,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Death Penalty in the United States Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Death Penalty in the United States - Assignment Example Bessler argues, throughout the book, that the American death penalty is not only cruel but also unusual. Bessler claims that the United States’ persistence with the death penalty is simply an escapist measure to avoid dealing with its socioeconomic problems. This article is one of the most intriguing and critical pieces of the American judicial system and death penalty. Boys, a recognized authority on criminology, contends that the death penalty is a retrogressive policy that the country would be better off without. Boys also compare America’s stand on the death penalty to other countries’ citing the fact that it is one of the few world powers that still practice this ‘draconian† policy that is an inhumane solution to managing crime. Brown begins his article by stating that the United States is lagging behind most countries in the world when it comes to the death penalty. In an era in which most countries are abolishing the death penalty, America is still using capital punishment as an excuse for mitigating social and economic problems. Brown also states that the death penalty is a policy that the United States should leave in the age of the founding fathers. In this thought-provoking book, Deger delivers a critical take on capital punishment in the United States and Great Britain. In America, Deger delves into the history and evolution of the death penalty to date, and its impact on American society. Deger argues that the death penalty is nothing more than a blatant disregard for human life that is perpetuated by a fear of change. Lyon begins his book with a discussion of the history of capital punishment in the United States and then delves into an examination of the reasons the death penalty is a constant in the judicial system of most US states.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Proportional representative system in U.K Term Paper

Proportional representative system in U.K - Term Paper Example The reason for this has been partly likened to the failure by the plural form of elections to produce a clear winner after the 1974 election, which saw the formation of a weak government without an outright majority (Amy 23). Additionally, the additional vote from a third party in the 70s has also acted to highlight the disproportionate and distorted nature of a pluralist voting system. This paper provides a discussion on the way proportional representative system is better than plurality system in the UK. The Labor government, in 1997, made a promise to hold a referendum as soon as it got into power that would vote on the issue of introducing a representative voting system. However, this referendum was continually delayed and dropped off the labor party agenda. Additionally, the amount of choice that the voter would be given could also be limited. This is because there is an argument that the Labor Party and the Tories stand to lose the most if any changes are effected to the plural ist electoral system, which explains their reluctance to pursue the issue (Amy 25). Had proportional representation been used during the elections of 1997, it is possible that the big Labor majority would have seen a reduction with major gains by the Liberal Democrats (Connolly 31). This would have seen a gain from the forty six seats they attained to as high as one hundred and six members of parliament. The Lib Dems got 16.8% of all the votes cast, but suffered when it came to actual seats at Westminster, gaining less than ten percent of the total seats. Proportional representation would have altered their standing and greatly reduced that of the Labor Party. A similar incident would have occurred in the elections of 2001, a result that intimates the fact that pluralist electoral models are unfair and have the potential to be undemocratic, i.e., the number of votes that are cast for the government are not proportional to that the government’s popularity with the UK public (C onnolly 31). All proportional representation forms tend to possess similar basic merits. These merits include the fact that the system is more representative of the voting public’s wishes as expressed during the voting process (Connolly 35). In addition, fewer wasted votes encourage better participation in the election. The pluralist electoral model could lead to some voters avoiding the voting process because they perceive it as a wasted cause. Additionally, the minority parties could end up with fairer representation in Westminster. Independent candidates will also have more opportunities at being elected with only a single one, Martin Bell, winning a seat in parliament during the 1997 elections. The candidate lost the seat during the second attempt where he used the pluralist electoral route. Another advantage of PR is that it removes safe seats that are characterized by perennial low turnouts. If people feel that their vote counts, then they may be more encouraged to part icipate in the elections. Using the PR system, the voter also has an increased variety of choice as far as candidates are concerned. Finally, a pluralist system can be eliminated by a proportional representation system ending up with a system that is â€Å"

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Environmental Science DB2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Environmental Science DB2 - Essay Example This is what makes the U.S. capable of solving food security problems faced by developing regions. In order to reach global food security goals, regions need to increase their trade relations, and allow trade to flow without much of the restrictions in place. Countries can negotiate deals that allow the exportation and importation of food at cheaper prices, thus; increasing the chances of attaining global food security (Wilde, 2013). Seafood, nowadays, happens to be present in almost every home. The only problem is, these products may not be locally raised. The importation of seafood, for example; tilapia, catfish, shrimp, and even salmon from China into the U.S., is on a sharp rise. The approximate distance that the food may have travelled to reach its destination is 7,000 miles. The fact that there are drawbacks and benefits to both importing and growing food locally, it is my opinion that locally produced food is the best option. The processes involved in the production of these products can be monitored to ensure that everything is done according to state regulation. Moreover, there is little contamination involved when food is produced locally, unlike when food has to travel for miles before it is set on the table as a meal (DeWeerdt,

Discussion Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Discussion Question - Essay Example Personally, the author thinks that utilitarianism should be observed which means for the benefit of the majority. The concept supporting it is called teleological theory. It is the ethical theory that focuses on the end result which is in favor of the majority (Timby 44). In addition, fidelity and justice must be observed in rescuing those people in the hospital. Both principles are important as the former provides a work-related commitment of nurses while the latter provides an indiscriminate way of helping others (Ibid 46). 3. It may be risky but saving lives should be the priority. Self-interest may be put aside, but it does not mean that the lives of the five people in that situation must be ended. They may look for alternatives in helping them like calling the nearest fire brigade and disaster response team. In addition, the doctor and Peter must follow the example of Margaret in saving the lives of other patients. Doctors must also ensure the interest of the patients before their own as it is part of their oath and core values. On the other hand, Peter also has a responsibility in saving the patients since it is part of his duty to prepare any rescue and evacuation procedures in case of emergencies. 4. The possible consequences may be the deaths of those who went down to rescue the remaining patients in the damaged hospital. Recent hurricane has destroyed the hospital together with the crashing helicopter. On the other hand, it is also possible that more lives will be saved without any casualties if there would be other rescuers. 5. The alternatives can be prioritized by following the values that must be rendered by the profession in saving lives and prioritizing the welfare of the patients. It is quite normal for people to become scared and risk their lives since they may die in the process. It may be overcome by allowing the utilitarian perspective to be the guide in decision-making. 6. The doctor and Peter must follow the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Arts and communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Arts and communication - Essay Example suous because it is here that the definition differs from a simple, nearly involuntary expression of shock or anger and the almost automatic directives of everyday communication. In order to be considered art, the form of expression must be capable of inciting an emotional response in some form of premeditated presentation. While the art itself may be to a large extent spontaneous, the display of it as such would qualify for the required element of premeditation while the encouragement to others of stopping and reflecting upon the emotions this display evokes elicits the sensuous response. Although art can be appreciated for its aesthetic values alone, it can also be put to work for a variety of other reasons, such as advocating a particular political or ideological concept. This is most often accomplished through mass media which is influenced by and influences political and corporate agendas. However, in this more fragmented society, in which socially isolated individuals become mo re susceptible to exterior manipulation, propaganda produced within the mass media has a repressing effect upon the mass population. This, in turn, has a repressing effect upon the art that is being produced as only those art forms that support the dominant conventions gain notice. This single viewpoint shared across all mediums is referred to as hegemony. However, there is another art form that subverts these restrictions. Graffiti, largely identified as an illegal art, has been used by artists as a means of expressing resistance to this hegemonic shift in countries around the world. The definition of graffiti changes depending upon who is providing the definition. Although often referred to as art, its artistic merits are frequently ignored or deemed unimportant, as is exemplified in the definition provided by the Dublin City Council (â€Å"What is Graffiti?†, 2007) in which only one of the five listed characteristics even mentions its artistic qualities: â€Å"Graffiti is

Monday, July 22, 2019

Australias Economic Objective of Resource Allocation Essay Example for Free

Australias Economic Objective of Resource Allocation Essay The objective of efficient resource allocation refers to an economys ability to meet its obligations in ensuring that all social and economic objectives are met without waste, for example to allocate resources so that they are distributed efficiently to improve the standard or living. This is the only way that we can ensure that we will be able to maximize the number of goods and services that we are able to provide. In addition, we will also be more likely to guarantee the long term availability of the resources that are currently available to us. The current target for efficiency target concerning labor is 1.5-2% per year or more. Thus, the economic objective of efficiency in resource allocation exists when our productive inputs are used to create the highest possible value of national output (ie GDP is at its highest level). In turn, having more GS available helps to ensure the maximum satisfaction of our societys needs and wants. In Economics, we distinguish between four different types of efficiency:1.Productive (or Technical) efficiency: Is about firms producing GS using the least-cost method and by minimizing the quantity of resources used. This is perhaps the easiest type of efficiency to understand. In this instance, we are interested in ensuring that any time we produce a good or service we are able to do so by using the smallest number of resources. If I use a tree to make four cricket bats, and you can produce five cricket bats from a tree of the same size, then your productive efficiency is better than mine. Another example is also sometimes a higher level of investment spending by firms on new equipment rather than simply employing more staff is the cheapest way to lift output per worker. 2.Allocative efficiency: ensures that resources are only used to make those particular types of GS that best satisfy societys needs and wants. That is, we want to produce those things most desired by the community first. This is a problem experienced by many of the worlds poorer countries,  especially those which suffer from poor governance. Corrupt leaders will often use a countries scarce resources to provide elaborate palaces, rather than ensuring that their people have access to clean drinking water. This is very poor allocative efficiency. 3.Dynamic efficiency: entails that firms are able to respond quickly to changing economic circumstances. To be dynamically efficient means that firms are aware of the changing circumstances, and they are able to adapt to meet those new needs and tastes of customers. For example, as technology has improved, many businesses have elected to adopt computers. This has involved buying the hardware, choosing the correct software and training the staff. In going through this process, the firm is demonstrating their dynamic efficiency. 4.Inter-temporal efficiency: means that there is a suitable balance between resources being allocated towards current consumption and saving that becomes available to finance future investment. Causes of efficiency of resource allocation:Cyclical changes in domestic economic activity resulting from changes in demand side conditions that affect efficiency in resource allocation. Supply side structural causes of changes in labor in lobular and capital productivity. Demand Side CYCLICAL FactorsIf levels of AD and EA slow leading to a recession (due to weak demand-side conditions like drops in business confidence/consumer), labor efficiency can suffer for at least 4 reasons. 1.Firms are reluctant to sack experienced staff during a slowdown of sales, as they hope that recovery is not far away and thus save them the cost of hiring and training new staff. This leads to over staffing which lowers the level of output per hour worked. 2.Prolonged or severe cyclical recessions in EA causes higher cyclical  unemployment as staff are cut in numbers, slowing down efficiency rates because more of labor resources are idle. 3.Business confidence about sales and profits, once down, can partly cause recession. This causes the firm to cut investment on new PE with new technology, consequently productivity slows. 4.Cyclical slowdown in domestic productivity sometimes follows trends in the level of EA and productivity overseas. Productivity also slows when there is an inflationary boom following cyclical rises in the level of domestic economic activity. This is true when the growth in AD exceeds the economoys productive capacity. Productivity may slow down in this situation. 1. Workers may not work as hard as they feel secure in the jobs when the economy is stretched to its capacity. Abseentisms can rise, along with strikes and industrial unrest, cutting efficiency. 2. When the economy is at its full capacity, there can be diminishing returns resulting from equipment breakdowns, labor shortages, leading to less efficient natural, labor and capital resources. 3. Rapid inflation can undermine business confidence, leading to reduced investment in new technology and equipment, slowing efficiency. 4. Investment used for expanding the business through plant equipment can be pumped into less productive or more speculative areas (eg real estate and stock market activities.) This is a mis allocation of resources that slows down productivity. So, when EA is weak due to reduced level of AD, productivity falls due to pessimism, reduced investment, unemployed resources, and labor hoarding. However, at the opposite extreme, excessively strong spending and EA means that productivity suffers from the above reasons. Productivity is likely to be maximized when AD and domestic EA are at ideal levels and demand side conditions are positive but are neither too weak nor too strong. Business Confidence Optimism of business (eg ^ consumer confidence, ^ household disposable incomes) has a cyclical impact on efficiency. This results in the business investing in new equipment with latest technology, leading to the worker having a greater value/amount of machinery to use in the production process than previously (capital deepening), thus raises theh level of GDP per hour worked. Interest Rates Higher business overdraft means that firms are more reluctant to borrow in order to purchase new, more efficient plant equipment due to increased repayments. Investment thus is reduced and productivity slows. Company Tax Rates Impacts the level of the firms investment spending. Reduced tax rates increased investment spending and better productivity. Supply Side Structural FactorsSupply factors are far more significant than demand factors when we are considering the impact that certain events will have on our ability to allocate our resources efficiently. If you think about this for a moment it is logical supply factors are those things that affect the ability and willingness of producers to supply a good or service at a given price. When the US economy experiences an increase in AG, we should see an increase in output without any pressure on productive capacity that may result in inflation. This is a sign that resources are being allocated more efficiently. As a result, we can conclude that any factor that will lead to an increase in aggregate supply will also lead to a more efficient allocation of resources. For example during the 1990s the Australian economy saw the introduction of technology on a larger scale. This improvement in capital assets, combined with the necessary support in the form of training for the workforce, resulted in significant improvements in productivity, showing that resources were allocated more efficiently. Climatic conditions Drought and below average rainfall (2002-03 06-07), floods, cyclones (coastal Northern QLD 2006) impacted efficiency in resource allocation because national output is reduced far more than the volume of inputs of labor or capital resources. Drought also had an impact in the efficiency in water, gas and electricity sectors that is, the same labor inputs have been used but less output has been produced. Sporting events (Before and After) Events like the Sydney Olympics (2000) and Melbs Commonwealth Games (06) may have helped in slowing productivity. Studies show during these events that worker efficiency fell perhaps due to distractions and telecasts and worker fatigue from watching TV replays at night. Changing rates of investment in new technology Investment spending on new PE like ICT and robotics occurs in waves or cycles, that is, speeds up or slows down. After the flurry of robotics, electronics and computer and internet based technologies in the mid-late 1990s, many recent innovations have been far less significant, tending to slow efficiency. However fairly recent spending on RD as a proportion of GDP from 1.51 to 1.78% b/w 200-1 and 2004-05 is a sign that US productivity will rise again. BIBLIOGRAPHY, Economics Down Under 2nd Edition

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What Is The Nuclear Arms Race History Essay

What Is The Nuclear Arms Race History Essay In this IA we will try find out how the origin, the peak and the end of the nuclear arms race. The  nuclear  arms race  was a struggle for supremacy in  nuclear warfare  between the  United States, the  Soviet Union, and their respective allies during the  Cold War. In addition to the American and Soviet nuclear stockpiles, other countries developed nuclear weapons, though none engaged in warhead manufacture on nearly the same scale as the two  superpowers. This topic was chosen because of its enormous weight during the Cold War, as well as being a very famous topic to talk about (especially when it comes to history) and generally due to the preposterous thought that all life on this planet could have been destroyed just because one nation disliked the other nation. The investigation will focus on: The origin of the race (this will include the creation of the first nuclear weapon, which kick started the race, as well as shift in the world powers). A brief mention will be made about spy wars during the period. The peak of the race (this will include the peak in the terms of the production and destructive capabilities of nukes e.g. hydrogen bombs, thermonuclear devices and ICBMs). A brief mention will be made about nuclear scare. The end of the race (this will include MAD, the collapse of U.S.S.R and nuclear disarmament). A brief mention will be made about the negative affect upon the economy of both superpowers. Note: There will be mention of all major nuclear detonations in the world e.g. Trinity, RDS-1, Castel Bravo, and Tsar Bomba. This investigation will only include nuclear arms race conducted between U.S.S.R and U.S.A and within the time period of 1945 to 1991. Summary of evidence September 17, 1942, Manhattan Project  [1]  : The Manhattan Project was a secret military project created to produce the first US nuclear weapon. July 17, 1945, Potsdam Conference  [2]  : The Potsdam Conference, a meeting of the victorious leaders of the Allies in Europe, attempted to confront the delicate balance of power of the opposing governmental structures, democracy and communism.   July 16, 1945, Trinity  [3]  : First fission device test, first plutonium implosion detonation. August 6, 1945, Little Boy  [4]  : Bombing of Hiroshima, Japan, first detonation of an enriched uranium gun-type device, first use of a nuclear device in military combat. August 9, 1945, Fat Man  [5]  : Bombing of Nagasaki, Japan, and the last use of a nuclear device in military combat. August 29, 1949, RDS-1  [6]  : First fission weapon test by the USSR. November 1, 1952, Ivy Mike  [7]  : First cryogenic fusion fuel staged thermonuclear weapon, primarily a test device and not weaponized. August 12, 1953, Joe 4  [8]  : First fusion weapon test by the USSR (not staged). March 1, 1954, Castel Bravo  [9]  : First dry fusion fuel staged thermonuclear weapon; a serious nuclear accident occurred. November 22, 1955, RDS-37  [10]  : First staged thermonuclear weapon test by the USSR (deployable). October 31, 1961, Tsar Bomba  [11]  : Largest thermonuclear weapon ever tested, however was scaled down from its initial 100 Mt (mega tons) design by 50%. Important People: Robert Oppenheimer  [12]  : director of the Manhattan project, American physicist Robert Oppenheimer was responsible for collecting, coordinating, and leading the team that developed and detonated the first atomic bomb. Klaus Fuchs  [13]  : German physicist, and Communist Party member, was employed by the United Kingdom atomic energy program during World War II, and was sent to work on the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos. Theodore Hall  [14]  : was an American physicist and an atomic spy for the Soviet Union, who, during his work on US efforts to develop the first atomic bomb during World War II, gave a detailed description   Nikita Khrushchev  [15]  : led the Soviet Union during part of the Cold War. He served as First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, and as Chairman of the Council of Ministers, or Premier, from 1958 to 1964 Theodore Roosevelt  [16]  : was the 26th President of the United States of America. Harry Truman  [17]  : was the 33rd President of the United States. Joseph Stalin  [18]  : was the Premier of the Soviet Union from 6 May 1941 to 5 March 1953. Evaluation of Sources Spartacus Educational, s. v. Nuclear Arms Race, accessed May 18, 2012, Establish by John Simkin, in September 1997. Spartacus Educational website provides a series of historical encyclopedias. Entries usually include a narrative, illustrations and primary sources. The text within each entry is linked to other relevant pages in encyclopedia. In this way it is possible to research individual people and events in great detail. The sources are also hyper-linked so the student is able to find about the writer, artist, newspaper and organization that produced the material. Youtube, s.v. The Truth Game, accessed May 21, 2012, John Pilgers documentary which looks at world-wide propaganda surrounding the nuclear arms race. When the two American atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, they were code-named  Fat Man  and  Little Boy, and President Truman announced after the event:  The experiment has been an overwhelming success.  These, says Pilger,  were words used to describe the awful and horrific carnage of nuclear war. By using reassuring, even soothing language, this new kind of propaganda created acceptable images of war and the illusion that we could live securely with nuclear weapons. Analyses The origin Between the years 1941 and 1945, Robert Oppenheimer began the production of what was known at the time the Manhattan Project, the construction of a weapon that would create a fission reaction and have catastrophic affects. During this time, war time ally, the Soviet Union was weary of US actions and sent Klaus Fuchs and Theodore Hall to spy on any activity that might be considerate suspicions. What they uncovered was the Manhattan Project. Stalin was informed of the project before Theodore Roosevelts death. President Truman was in fact unknowing of the project up until his presidency. When Truman told Stalin of the atomic bomb, at the Potsdam conference, he had no idea that Soviet Union and Stalin had known about the bomb before he had. The atomic bomb was first utilized on august 6, 1945 when the bomb, code named Little Boy, was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. Three days later on August 9 1945, President Truman gave the order to drop the bomb, code named Fat Man, on Nagasaki. The world was shocked. Oppenheimer resigned after the dropping of both bombs, having said: Now Ive become death, destroyer of worlds. Many things changed in the world after that, the county of Japan was crippled, the balance of power had been disturbed and USSR had opened its eyes in regards of developing nuclear weapons. US estimated that USSR would not have nuclear weapons program up and running up until later half of 1950s. This was based on the belief that there was scarcity of uranium in the world and that US had the monopoly on that. However thanks to research gathered by spies and new resources coming from the satellite states the USSR got a bomb a decade sooner than anticipated. RDS-1 was detonated by the USSR, for the second time in four years the balance was again disturbed in the world and the global panic ensued. The US and USSR spent the coming years stockpiling weapons and resources in the effort for both countries to be more prepared than the other. The Peak Developments of hydrogen enriched bomb began 1952, in November that year the US detonated the first of these (Ivy Mike). This was responded a year later with USSRs true hydrogen bomb (Joe 4). At this point in time espionage was not working for USSR and so domestic research began on new developments. During this time the goal was to fire nukes from respective countries that would be able to reach the other nations and thus the research into ICBMs (Intercontinental ballistic missiles) started. The launch of satellite Sputnik, in 1957, would prove US that USSR could launch a missile that would hit anywhere in the world. This would start the era know as space race. By the late 1950s a growing tensing between the two nations was forming, due to the idea that both the attacker and the defender will be destroyed if a nuclear war ever happened, thus the idea of MAD (mutually assured destruction) was conceived. This period spawned a lot of social change in respective countries. US started the campaign of Red Threat. Videos in schools across North America instructed children to duck and cover in case if they got attacked. The Soviet Union responded by attacking the US way of life and putting up propaganda against capitalist ideals. Nikita Khrushchev succession of Stalin, in 1953, showed much promise for a move towards peace between the two nations. Khrushchevs peaceful co-existence doctrine was however rejected by the US and forced the USSR to continue stockpiling weapons in fear of being bombed. Thou many of their weapons were more powerful than those dropped on Japan, the US began to move from kiloton bombs to megaton bombs. Castle bravo would prove to be the most powerful nuclear weapon the US would ever detonate. It was detonated on March 1, 1954 and yielded fifteen megatons of power. The thermonuclear ability of the bomb made it much more powerful than most conventional bomb at this time. However the USSR was developing a megaton bomb of their own, codenamed the Tsar Bomba (king bomb) it was nuclear weapon that held a hundred megatons of power, however due to impracticality of the bombs production and size it was reduced to half of the explosive effect. The results were still gargantuan. Tsar Bomba was detonated on October 31, 1961. It was a single most destructive force unleashed on earth by man. The End The production of nuclear weapons was a major hit to both economies, both had focused so much time, and resources, towards their projects that their economic situations were beginning to feel the heat. The US moved from anti-Soviet movement to a peace and disarmament movement. This would lead to both nations starting an era of nuclear weapon disarmament. During this period many treaties were singed to stop the production of new nuclear weapons, however the goals of the Treaties were only partially successful due to control maintained by both super powers in space. Where the treaties succeeded in limiting production, they would fail when it came to disarmament. Like many thing that year the arms race ended in 1991, with collapse of Soviet Union and mass disarmament occurred around the world. Conclusion In conclusion it can be said that nuclear arms race was a competition for supremacy in  nuclear warfare  between the  United States and the  Soviet Union to achieve dominance over the other nation as well as the production of nuclear weapons and capabilities to be able to unleashing destructive power of nuclear armaments upon the opposing nation. However this would prove useless to both sides, since both side had the capability to retaliate if the other attacked and would lead to MAD. Additionally it can be mentioned that the nuclear arms race was a way for US to keep U.S.S.R producing and spending more money to eventually win in the long run, which US did.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Pepsi Co History and Company Analysis

Pepsi Co History and Company Analysis Pepsi Co Inc. has established itself as a dominant snack food and soft drink distributor with its PepsiCo North America, Pepsi Co International, Frito-Lay, and Quaker Oats segments. (Refer to exhibit 1) In 2007, PepsiCo became the worlds largest snack and beverage seller bringing in revenues of more than $39.5 billion and with its Frito-Lay merger brands accounting for 29 percent of the companys total revenues and 36 percent of the companys operating profits. The company emphasizes maintaining spectacular performance operations that were accomplished thorough strategies aimed at product innovation, creating and sustaining close relationships with distributors, international growth, and beneficial acquisitions. The company sported an impressive business portfolio in 2008 which included its brands such as Pepsi soft drink products, Frito-Lay, Quaker Oats products, Doritos, Gatorade, Tropicana, SoBe, Lipton Brisk tea, Propel, Hickory Sticks, SunChips Multigrain snacks, Aquafina, the acq uisition of Pizza Hutt, Gatorade, and several other consumer goods. The PepsiCo International division is an ever-growing sector in emerging markets such as Russia, The Middle East, China, and Turkey. The company grew by 9 percent in 2007 with volume gains and acquisitions that allowed the company to attain a 22 percent increase in division revenues and 15 percent increase in operating profits. (Gamble 433) The Quaker Oats division attained 2007 sales of $1.8 billion, and held a 58 percent market share in its North America division since 2006 (Gamble 435). PepsiCo has successfully diversified itself with different product lines and methods to improve those product lines so that they ensure customer satisfaction. The company has developed a diversification strategy that is executed through acquisitions of similar or complimentary products. Expanding into these markets not only creates consumer satisfaction, but increases shareholder value as well. With well established, diverse markets PepsiCo has secured business affiliations that benefit the company and allow it to compete better than they would alone. Since 2008, they have focused on new product innovations that addressed consumer health and wellness concerns. PepsiCo has diversified into a multi-business corporations, offering products through their four main business segments; PepsiCo North America, PepsiCo International, Frito-Lay, and Quaker Foods North America. Refer to exhibit 1 to see a complete list of products PepsiCo has been able to offer through their diversification stra tegy. A key competitive strength of PepsiCo is that it has close relationships and partnerships with distributors. PepsiCo has also established successful strategic acquisitions and continues its expansion into profitable markets. The company has adjusted its product innovation to create healthier products in response to consumer demands, thus creating better consumer value and a higher rate of return. The company capitalizes on its consumer research and development which helps it to apply strategies such as the Power of One strategy which increases the opportunity for consumers to purchase more than one PepsiCo and Frito-Lay product at a time on each visit. Dominant corporate strategies that support their many acquisitions of well know products have led to diversification of the company. Products are customized to suit the consumers preferences; for example, the company has designed their product tastes to country specific satisfaction. Because PepsiCo has created and maintained strong br and loyalty with its consumers, it continues to possess a significantly large portion of the food and beverage market shares.   The companys business units have been able to successfully cut costs. Frito-Lay and Quaker had savings of   $40 million for their joint distribution and Quaker Oats saved $ 160 million in innovative packing materials and sharing specific product ingredients. The company also redesigned their shipping methods to reduce stock-outs in retail stores.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are many ways companies try to maximize the value of their shareholders.   Some of the strategies that CEOs of companies may use to maximize the value of their shareholders are reducing company costs while at the same time maintaining a stable revenue levels. Another way that companies maximize shareholder wealth is by partaking in acquisitions of companies. Acquirin companies however is an often risky business venture for a company to undertake. PepsiCo is an example of how acquiring various business ventures in turn benefited the shareholders of the company. The various acquisitions that PepsiCo partook in had a gross value of two billion nine hundred and twenty two dollars. This increased the revenues of PepsiCo substantially by a twenty billion dollar increase from 2000 to 2007.   This increase in revenues being brought in, in turn increases the value of the issued stock. You can see the gradual increase in the price of commo n stock in exhibit ____.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A strong driving factor in the maximization of shareholder value is the CEO Indra Nooyi. Her tenure as an employee of PepsiCo has yielded only improvements for the company as a whole. She was seen as a negotiator and involved in many of the acquisitions that were very profitable for PepsiCo. She built her reputation with various acquisitions such as the Tropicana acquisition in 1998 and the 2001 acquisition of Quaker Oats. She also spearheaded the public offering of Pepsis bottling operations. The hard work of Nooyi at PepsiCo has made the company a multi-billion dollar company. Bringing in the substantial additional revenue increased PepsiCos net worth which also made the stock of Pepsi rise in value also which is beneficial for those who invested good deals of money in this company.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   PepsiCo appeared to always have a handle on their revenues and knows at what levels to price their goods at as to not lose customers base. Looking at their financial summary, exhibit ___ you will notice that from 1998 to 2007 there has been a steady increase in the revenues brought in which affects the value of the shares of common stock as well that are increasing at a corresponding rate.   Pepsi Co has proved to be a company that truly does have the resources to remain a leader in the carbonated beverage industry. Even when Coca-Cola tried to be the leader in the carbonated beverage market holding a little more than forty percent of the market shares, PepsiCo held a little over 30 percent of the market shares.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Looking at Exhibit ____ you will see the break down of PepsiCos net cash provided by operating activities. You will notice that they have a decent amount of Management operating cash flows that can be disbursed or used for benefit of the company. Part of the managers operating cash flows could be used to try and acquire more food or beverage products that would make their product base more diverse. They could also use part of the money to put towards having Pepsi or Tropicana products served in new restaurant chains. PepsiCo clearly have a surplus of money from operating activities that could be put toward their Research and development team so that they can improve the products that they are already have. Another way they could disperse their managements cash flow is by looking to acquire or merge with a manufacturer of candy or a sweet of some sort. PepsiCo is well versed in the variety of snack foods that they offer when it comes to sal ty snack spending the time and money to find a sweet snack would benefit them. This would in turn would bring in more money to Pepsi and increase their stock prices which would in turn increase the value of their shareholders. If a sweet snack was added to Pepsis line of products it would compliment the notion of wanting to eat something sweet after you eat something salty, and vise versa. This would bring in more revenue which in turn would give PepsiCo more operating cash flows to work with n the future and become a very powerful company. We do not recommend PepsiCo to divest any Quaker brands since the acquisition provided PepsiCo a stable platform to enter the health foods and isotonic beverage market. PepsiCos portfolio is established in 2011 with a good mix of carbonated beverages, isotonic beverages, fruit flavored beverages, fruit juices, salty and savory snacks, cereals and other health foods and drinks. (Refer to exhibit __ If they were to divest any Quaker Oats brands. PepsiCo could harm its portfolio and decrease its shareholder value, lower stock prices and lower economies of scale. Also, it is possible that the brand could be acquired by another company and pose as a threat to PepsiCo. We recommend PepsiCo to acquire or form a merger with RedBull. Red Bull holds a 70 percent share of the world market for energy drinks, or functional beverages, a category it was largely responsible for building (Red Bull GMBH). The biggest isotonic beverage brand Gatorade is already under PepsiCo. Adding Red Bull to their portfolio would create higher shareholder value and increase revenues. The volume share for energy drinks on the PepsiCo portfolio was only 1% in 2007. We believe that there is great potential for an increase if Red Bull is acquired or merged with. Also, with PepsiCos strategy of better-for-you and good-for-you products, PepsiCo could encourage Red Bull manufacturers to use different types of healthier sweeteners which would increase sales and publicity for Red Bull and PepsiCos health awareness. Having Red Bull on their portfolio of products would also give PepsiCo a better market share and add value to the brand for appealing to various consumer demands. Refer to exhibit___ to see PepsiCos current market share.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   PepsiCos current portfolio has a wide variety of snacks, beverages, and cereal catering to all types of demands including health conscious consumers. Refer to exhibit 1 to see a full list of PepsoCos snacks,   beverage and Quaker Oats Brands. We recommend PepsiCo to acquire or merge with a candy company to add a different product to their portfolio. Mars Incorporated, has strong brands such as Mars, Snickers, MMs, Whiskas, Uncle Bens, Dove, Extra, Orbit, Flavia, Pedigree, and Royal Cannin on their portfolio. A merger or acquisition with Mars incorporated would give PepsiCo a wide variety and add to their existing brands which will make them achieve greater economies of scale. Through such a merger or acquisition, PepsiCo will be able to cater to the consumer population that they are unable to reach with their existing products. They will also be able to cater to consumers with pets with popular brands like Pedigree and Royal Cannin that are a part of Mars Incorporated.   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The corporate strategy recommended for PepsiCo is the Best Cost Provider Strategy. The essence of a best cost provider strategy is giving customers more value for the money by satifsying buyer desires for appealing features/performance/quality service and charging a lower price for these attributes compared to rivals with similar caliber product offerings (Gamble111). We recommend PepsiCo to implement this strategy into their business by cutting costs and lowering prices to cater to those who enjoy PepsiCo products but are not able to afford them any longer due to the current recession. Also offering those products at a lower price will give them a competitive edge against Coca Cola which is one of their biggest rivals. In order for the Best Cost Provider Strategy to work, a company must have the capability to incorporate attractive or upscale attributes at a lower cost than rivals (Gamble111). PepsiCo has the capability to out compete Coca Cola by focusing on their core competencies through the value chain and by eliminating costs that do not add value. In addition to the recommendations above, we also recommend PepsiCo to focus more on their Good-for-you and Better-for-you products. With an increasing population of health conscious citizens, PepsiCo should enter a line of Organic ready to eat products and beverages apart from the Naked Juice products. Quaker Oats brand is already known for healthy food like oatmeal, cereals, granola bars, and etcetra. We recommend PepsiCo to focus more attention to ready made, ready to eat foods like noodles, organic tv dinners, and quick organic lunch options. EXHIBIT 1 Breakfast Bars/Granola Bars  Ã‚ ² Quaker Chewy Granola Bars  Ã‚ ² Quaker Dipps Granola Bars  Ã‚ ² Quaker Fruit Oatmeal Bars  Ã‚ ² Quaker Fruit Oatmeal Toastables  Ã‚ ² Quaker Oatmeal-to-Go Bars  Ã‚ ² Quaker True Delights Bars  Ã‚ ² Quaker True Delights Squares Coffee Drinks:  Ã‚ ² Starbucks Doubleshot  Ã‚ ² Starbucks Frappuccino  Ã‚ ² Starbucks Iced Coffee Energy Drinks:  Ã‚ ² Amp Energy Energy Drinks  Ã‚ ² No Fear Energy Drinks  Ã‚ ² SoBe Energy Drinks Tea/Lemonade:  Ã‚ ² Brisk  Ã‚ ² Lipton Iced Tea  Ã‚ ² Lipton PureLeaf  Ã‚ ² SoBe Tea  Ã‚ ² Tazo Tea Juice/Juice Drinks:  Ã‚ ² Amp Energy Juice  Ã‚ ² Dole Juice/ Juice Drinks  Ã‚ ² Dole Plus Fortified Juices  Ã‚ ² Dole Sensation Juice Drinks  Ã‚ ² IZZE Sparkling Juice  Ã‚ ² Ocean Spray Juice/Juice Drinks  Ã‚ ² Naked Juice  Ã‚ ² SoBe Juice Drinks  Ã‚ ² SoBe Lean Diet Juice Drink  Ã‚ ² Tropicana Trop50 Beverages  Ã‚ ² Tropicana Pure Premium Juices  Ã‚ ² Tropicana Twister Juice Drinks  Ã‚ ² Tropicana Tropics Oatmeal/Cereals:  Ã‚ ² Capn Crunch Cereal  Ã‚ ² King Vitaman Cereal  Ã‚ ² Kretschmer Toasted Wheat Germ  Ã‚ ² Life Cereal  Ã‚ ² Mothers Ready-to-Eat Hot Cereals  Ã‚ ² Quaker Essentials  Ã‚ ² Quaker Grits  Ã‚ ² Quaker Instant Oatmeal  Ã‚ ² Quaker Natural Granola Cereal Oatmeal/Cereals Cont:  Ã‚ ² Quaker Oatmeal  Ã‚ ² Quaker Oatmeal Breakfast Squares  Ã‚ ² Quaker Oatmeal-to-Go  Ã‚ ² Quaker Oh!s Cereal  Ã‚ ² Quaker Puffed Rice  Ã‚ ² Quaker Shredded Wheat Cereal  Ã‚ ² Quaker Squares Cereal  Ã‚ ² Quisp Cereal Other:  Ã‚ ² Amp Energy Gum  Ã‚ ² Aunt Jemima Mixes Syrups  Ã‚ ² Quaker Baking Mixes Rice Snacks:  Ã‚ ² Quaker Large Rice Cakes  Ã‚ ² Quaker Mini Delights  Ã‚ ² Quaker True Delights Rice Snacks  Ã‚ ² Quaker Tortillaz  Ã‚ ² Quaker True Delights Fiber Crisps Side Dishes:  Ã‚ ² Near East Side Dishes  Ã‚ ² Pasta Roni Side Dishes  Ã‚ ² Rice-A-Roni Side Dishes Snacks:  Ã‚ ² Baked! Doritos Tortilla Chips  Ã‚ ² Baked! Lays Potato Crisps  Ã‚ ² Baked! Ruffles Potato Chips  Ã‚ ² Baked! Tostitos Tortilla Chips  Ã‚ ² Baken-ets Pork Skins and Cracklins  Ã‚ ² Cheetos Snacks  Ã‚ ² Chesters Popcorn  Ã‚ ² Cracker Jack Candy Coated Popcorn  Ã‚ ² Doritos Tortilla Chips  Ã‚ ² El Isleno Plantain Chips  Ã‚ ² Frito-Lay, Fritos and Cheetos Snack Crackers  Ã‚ ² Frito-Lay, Fritos and Tostitos Dips Salsas  Ã‚ ² Frito-Lay Nuts Seeds  Ã‚ ² Fritos Corn Chips  Ã‚ ² Funyons Onion Flavored Rings  Ã‚ ² Gamesa Cookies and Wafers  Ã‚ ² Grandmas Cookies  Ã‚ ² Hickory Sticks  Ã‚ ² Hostess Potato Chips  Ã‚ ² Lays Kettle Cooked Potato Chips  Ã‚ ² Lays Potato Chips  Ã‚ ² Lays Stax Potato Crisps Snacks Cont:  Ã‚ ² Matador Meat Snacks  Ã‚ ² Maui Style Potato Chips  Ã‚ ² Miss Vickys Potato Chips  Ã‚ ² Munchies Snack Mix  Ã‚ ² Munchos Potato Crisps  Ã‚ ² Natural Cheetos  Ã‚ ² Natural Lays  Ã‚ ² Natural Tostitos  Ã‚ ² Quaker Soy Crisps  Ã‚ ² Quaker Quakes  Ã‚ ² Rold Gold Pretzels  Ã‚ ² Ruffles Potato Chips  Ã‚ ² Sabritones Puffed Wheat Snacks  Ã‚ ² Santitas Tortilla Chips  Ã‚ ² Smartfood Popcorn  Ã‚ ² Spitz  Ã‚ ² Stacys  Ã‚ ² SunChips Multigrain Snacks  Ã‚ ² Tostitos Tortilla Chips  Ã‚ ² TrueNorth  Ã‚ ² Wavy Lays Potato Chips Soft Drinks:  Ã‚ ² Diet Pepsi  Ã‚ ² Diet Mountain Dew  Ã‚ ² Diet Sierra Mist  Ã‚ ² Mountain Dew  Ã‚ ² Mug Soft Drinks  Ã‚ ² Pepsi  Ã‚ ² Sierra Mist Sports Drinks:  Ã‚ ² Gatorade Prime 01  Ã‚ ² Gatorade Thirst Quencher Perform 02  Ã‚ ² G2 Perform 02  Ã‚ ² Gatorade Recover 03 Water:  Ã‚ ² Aquafina  Ã‚ ² Aquafina FlavorSplash  Ã‚ ² Aquafina Sparkling  Ã‚ ² Ethos Water  Ã‚ ² Propel Vitamin Enhanced Water Beverage  Ã‚ ² SoBe Lifewater Vitamin Enhanced Water Beverage EXHIBIT 2 PEPSICO TIMELINE 1965 PepsiCo, Inc. is founded (Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay) The new company reports sales of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $510 million and has 19,000 employees. 1966 Doritos brand tortilla chips are introduced. Pepsi enters Japan and Eastern Europe 1968 Growth through acquisition 1970 PepsiCo sales pass the $1 billion mark. The company has 36,000 employees.. Pepsi is the first company to respond to consumer preference with lightweight, recyclable, plastic bottles. 1974 PepsiCo sales pass the $2 billion mark. Pepsi-Cola becomes the first American consumer product to be produced, marketed and sold in the former Soviet Union. 1976 Pepsi-Cola becomes the single largest selling soft drink brand sold in U.S. supermarkets. 1977 Acquisition of Pizza Hut Passes $3 billion in sales. 1978 Acquisition of Taco Bell 1984 Diet Pepsi is reformulated with 100% NutraSweet. Pepsi-Cola makes advertising history as Michael Jackson and his brothers usher in a new generation of Pepsi-Cola advertising. 1985   PepsiCo is now the largest company in the beverage industry. The company has revenues of more than $7.5 billion, more than 137,000 employees. Pepsi-Cola products are available in nearly 150 countries and territories around the world. Snack food operations are in 10 international markets. 1986 Acquisition KFC Purchases 7UP International PepsiCo is listed on the Tokyo stock exchange. 1989 PepsiCo enters top 25 of Fortune 500 ranking with sales of $15.4 billion, it is number 23. The company has more than 300,000 employees. 1992- Pepsi-Cola begins distribution of Liptons line of ready-to-drink teas nationwide. 1994 PepsiCo and Starbucks form the North American Coffee Partnership to jointly develop ready-to-drink coffee beverages. PepsiCo sales reach $30.4 billion. There are 470,000 employees worldwide, making PepsiCo the third largest employer. 1997 Frito-Lay announces plans to buy the 104-year-old snack, Cracker Jack, a candy-coated mix of popcorn and peanuts from Borden Foods Corp. 1998 PepsiCo acquires Tropicana Products 2001 Acquisition of the Quaker Oats 2002 Frito-Lay announces it is eliminating trans fats from Doritos, Tostitos, and Cheetos. 2005   Quaker Introduces Weight Control Instant Oatmeal PepsiCo Donates $2 Million to Pakistan Earthquake Victims 2006 PepsiCos brand SoBe Launches New SoBe Life Water Cold Stone Creamery announces a multi-year agreement making Pepsi its exclusive beverage supplier Frito-Lay North America signed agreement with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation for a new policy for selling foods in schools Federal Trade Commission clears PepsiCo for Naked Juice Co. purchase 2008 PepsiCos diversification strategy built into three new divisions. PepsiCo agrees to buy Bulgarias Leading Nuts and Seeds Company EXHIBIT 3- SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS WEAKNESESS OPPORTUNITIES THREATS

Social Groups :: essays research papers

There are various social groups in our school and town. They form into different types of groups. Some of these are grouped by racial background, athletic abilities, hobbies, and intelligence. Usually racial groups, people of the same race stay together. There are a mediocre amount of athletic ability groups. Most of them are from schools and are â€Å"organized† gangs. They usually play games or some type of sport together. People who have the same hobbies frequently stay together and do what they all enjoy. Generally, these groups do not commit crimes. Groups grouped by intelligence are usually come from school. People with the same amount of intelligence stay together. People in these different groups interact most of time within there own groups. Usually groups that do not commit crime usually play games, sports or help each other. Sometimes there are fights within the group. Fights are not frequent among members of different groups although they can happen. The fights inc lude physical and verbal fights. The most common are verbal fights. Rarely do physical fights occur between gangs and groups in our community. Most organized gangs use verbal fights or a game to determine who is better. After a long and tiring fight, many changes can occur to the members of the gang. Personality and feelings can be changed greatly. Members of the group could have once been enemies to another but then they might feel pity for those they have beaten. We humans are born to socialize. It is very important to be in a social group. People in the social groups are friends and it is very important to have friends. A good social group can make you have a good reputation. In addition, the school or town can be famous for it too. Members usually join willingly most of the time if the group is good. However, sometimes members are forced to join. People make other people join by threatening or offering them. Most of the groups in our town or school are not dangerous. Some gangs that like to commit crimes are also in this neighborhood. Social Groups :: essays research papers There are various social groups in our school and town. They form into different types of groups. Some of these are grouped by racial background, athletic abilities, hobbies, and intelligence. Usually racial groups, people of the same race stay together. There are a mediocre amount of athletic ability groups. Most of them are from schools and are â€Å"organized† gangs. They usually play games or some type of sport together. People who have the same hobbies frequently stay together and do what they all enjoy. Generally, these groups do not commit crimes. Groups grouped by intelligence are usually come from school. People with the same amount of intelligence stay together. People in these different groups interact most of time within there own groups. Usually groups that do not commit crime usually play games, sports or help each other. Sometimes there are fights within the group. Fights are not frequent among members of different groups although they can happen. The fights inc lude physical and verbal fights. The most common are verbal fights. Rarely do physical fights occur between gangs and groups in our community. Most organized gangs use verbal fights or a game to determine who is better. After a long and tiring fight, many changes can occur to the members of the gang. Personality and feelings can be changed greatly. Members of the group could have once been enemies to another but then they might feel pity for those they have beaten. We humans are born to socialize. It is very important to be in a social group. People in the social groups are friends and it is very important to have friends. A good social group can make you have a good reputation. In addition, the school or town can be famous for it too. Members usually join willingly most of the time if the group is good. However, sometimes members are forced to join. People make other people join by threatening or offering them. Most of the groups in our town or school are not dangerous. Some gangs that like to commit crimes are also in this neighborhood.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Research Paper: Models :: essays research papers

Research Paper: Models My research paper is going to consist of both a research paper and a album containing pictures that was collected. My research paper is going to provide information on what two guys imagine and think about when they think of women. These two guys are Mike, my friend and Timmy, my cousin. These guys are basically the guinea pigs in my experiment and their findings will be collected in the album. The other half of the research project is the paper that will not only explain the project but give information on the pressure that has been put on so many women to look like perfect and in many ways models. With the experiment, I handed both Mike and Timmy four magazines: two Mademoiselles and two Allures. I then asked them to go through them and rip out the pictures that they would want "their women" to look like. The collection of their ideal women is in the first half of the album. Notice that the pictures are mostly of models that are half dressed, thin and in provactedly positioned posies. The makeup on these women are all perfect and their hair is obviously not out of place. The selection of pictures not surprisingly were of women who not only were half dressed but also in their undergarments. The second half of the experiment was basically done in the same way; but this time I asked for them to tear out pictures that they would want their wives to look like. With four different magazines they tore out pictures of more conservetly dressed women. Their selection still consisted of beautiful women, only this time they were wearing clothes that the average person would be able to wear on the streets and not be called a dirty name. The women were still beautifully made up the a hair and makeup but this time it wasn't so dramatic; their poises were also "innocent"; I'm not surprised. But what did surprise me though was that their style in pajamas totally changed. In the first part of the experiment the two guys picked out the pictures of the women wearing what I would consider "tacky" nightgowns, but for their wives they picked out the pictures where "softer" and a lot less "showy" I guess at that point they did take into consideration that comfort is more important then what it looks like. These two guys, the guinea pigs, is a very small of a large majority of men with these expectations. From the information that I gathered from the guys, Mike and

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Air Pollution – Summary

Air Pollution Summary Air pollution has adverse effects on almost everything. People, animals, the environment, and the economy are the main victims of air pollution. For people, animals and the environment the quality of the air taken in by all living things has to be clean. Unclean air can result in many illnesses to man, and can be especially harmful to those already suffering from asthma. Unclean air can also damage trees, crops, plants, lakes and all animals living on land or in the water. The cost to the economy is enormous: * health care for the people made sick * reduced farm crops and forests costs money in lost food and timber production The causes of air pollution are both natural and human. Human causes are: * burning of fossil fuels * emissions from all our sources of transport * electricity power plants * polluting the air by burning wood in stoves * the paint we use * aerosol sprays and most of the cleaning products we use Natural causes are: * Smoke and a gas called carbon monoxide wind erosion * pollen * Methane gas from farm animals and rotting plants * Radon gas and poisonous gasses from erupting volcanoes. We can all do our bit to reduce air pollution by using less electricity, using gas over wood or charcoal, cycling or walking rather than using cars, and to recycle as much as possible, for example, paper, plastic, glass bottles, cardboard and aluminium cans. There is strong evidence that recycling may reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.

Ethics and Ethical Behavior

Ethical way in the piece of work helps a order en sure that all(prenominal) employee is able to perform on that point duties in and safe and comfortable environment. When a fellowship set-up cognitive operation to help with work respectable motive there argon three of the essence(predicate) things to consider understanding of diversity so that the employees understand the difference between honest motive and cultural acts, the next to consider is an blossom forth door policy so that employees give be able to discuss ethical behavior with the company, and third is a stead that the employee piece of ass go in cartel to report unethical behavior.Ethical subprogram should be general and relates to all employees without causation ethical issues dealing with race, religion, or gender. The map should be in place to talking to unethical behavior as verbalize in laws and regulations. Human resources is the segment that allow be the handler in the company for ethical beha vior and to make sure that all employees ar treated equal. The expense for a lawsuit in an ethical case is more than winning the era to make sure the procedure argon in place and that all employees are trained in ethical behavior. many another(prenominal) companies take the time to train employees on ethical laws for the industries that they are working in when they first join the company. As we constitute seen in the news unethical behavior among employees in a company can cost the loss of investors trust. Each department in a company ethical motive might be different, finance track cost and how revenues are tracked, where equipment and tooling money is present in the financial reports.For a purchasing department how dollars are collected from suppliers, or kickbacks that are ordinarily not allowed in a company. The most common employee taking money, so with ethical issues like this a confidential hot line is usually established for an outside company to be called and by a n employee to snitch on employees who are doing unethical things in the company. What ever procedure that a company might own you must make sure that there is a way for any ethical behavior to be reported and death with the most confidential and legal way.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Myth and Thomas Jefferson Essay

Es citeTopic Compargon and product line doubting doubting Thomas Jeffersons for the first time beginning(a) point (Chapter 15 in Readings in get together States History) and swear and Heritage Myth and Thomas Jefferson, (Chapter 14 in Readings in unify States History) Do you want to retire who you are? Dont ask. Act follow out provide delineate and define you. (By Thomas Jefferson). Thomas Jefferson, who was born on April 13 1743 and died on July 4 1826, was the son of a wealthy uneducated plantation owner from Western Virginia. He was the first to go to College in his family and he attended the College of William and Mary. He was dreaming near a society where men would be judged by what they have accomplished and by their taste .He was the trey president of the united States of America (From 1801 to 1809) and to a fault the first United States Secretary of State (From 1790 to 1793 ).He was much more founder of the University of Virginia. Philosopher, cofounder of the o ldest political party in the nation, joint author of the Declaration of Independence. In this essay, we are going to equalise and contrast Thomas Jeffersons first inaugural address (Chapter 15 in Readings in United States History) and Hope and Heritage Myth and Thomas Jefferson, (Chapter 14 in Readings in United States History).In his support The Jefferson image in the American Mind (1960), the writer Merrill Peterson is basic eithery showing how Americans population substantiate Thomas Jefferson. They have always seen him as a particular existence, a symbol for the United States of America .Therefore, art objecty race took their time to keep out something wrong rough that man. The man who started criticizing him as probably the writer Leonard Levys in his Book Jefferson and Civil Liberties The Darker Side. In Chapter 14 Hope and Heritage Myth and Thomas Jefferson, Gordon timber really talks close to Jeffersons personalized life. Thomas Jefferson is described as someone who had rage for partisan persecution, someone who didnt care about the civil liberties,someone who thought he was morally perfect and used to judge people nearly him. In the chapter, they are comparing him to his friend pack Madison. Thomas Jefferson wasnt thinking about the land like Madison when he was taking decisions. eon taking his decisions, he was mostly concerned about what his French friends would think of it than the needs of the American population.The chief(prenominal) portion of Jeffersons life, was his fight to abolish slavery. As it is written in this chapter, Thomas Jefferson hated slavery. He worked really hard to eradicate it in crude Western territories. But apparently, he was never open to set all his slaves free. Many recent historians claimed that Jeffersons acting toward Black people was very disgusting, revolting. especially for someone who claimed that he wanted to eradicate slavery. During his life, he wanted to make sure that the eradication of slavery will be accompanied by the deportee of Back people of the country. For him, Black people breathing in a whites man America was totally unbearable. He was Racist. In his mind, Black men were extremely inferior to clear Not only in Body further also in mind. People were surprised to see hear him talk about freedom and correspond Black slaves at the same time. Most people started to think that he was a hypocrite. In 1802, mob Callender, a political pamphleteer and journalist pointed the fat that Tomas Jefferson maintained Sally Hemings a Black Slave as a mistress and fathered her with various children.This was barely credible because everybody knew him as a man who always suppress his passions. In addition to that, Thomas Jefferson was a man of the eighteenth century, an intelligent man, conventional, and enlightened. But he also had his own weaknesses. Jefferson was fully part of the Enlightenment in the United States of America. His desire to know everything and his open-minded reference work put him on the top of the American Enlightenment. hostile in Chapter 14 (Hope and Heritage Myth and Thomas Jefferson), Chapter 15 (First beginning(a) Address, 1801) is basically Thomas Jeffersons speech which marks the abolition of one of the defeat period in the United States of America. The First Inaugural Address of Thomas Jefferson is lionizing the most important option in the history as Thomas Jefferson was win to John Adams as president. During 1790s, some divisions were created between the Federalists (Hamilton and Adams) and the Republicans (Jefferson and Madison) ascribable to the opposition to Hamiltons financial policies and polemics over foreign policy.Thomas Jefferson wasthe first President to take blank space in the new capital city of Washington. In his speech, Thomas Jefferson says Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by unlike names brethren of the same principle. We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists. He is basically telling his Fellow-Citizens that heretofore though there are some differences, both Federalists and Republicans are serving the same constitution and spare-time activity the same principles. What is different is the way from each one of them interprets and harbor it. He is calling for Union. Jefferson wants a government when no one will injure another where each citizen will work. In his partisanship, the First Inaugural of Jefferson mingles the American past of Washington and some heroes into his different principles .By fashioning his partys triumph a victory for all the country, the speech sets the standard for inaugural addresses.In Conclusion, we were ask to compare and contrast Thomas Jeffersons Inaugural Address (Chapter 15 in Readings of the United States History) and Hope and Heritage Myth and Thomas Jefferson (Chapter 14 in Readings of the United States History).We can undoubtedly say that Thomas Jefferson was a great Leader. It i s therefore all the more important to see and distinguish where he had success and also where he failed. Whenever something is great, people will always try to find out the large(p) in it and thats what happened to Thomas Jefferson. But it doesnt change anything to what he has accomplished for the United States of America. trough today, no other figure in the American history as reached that standard.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

The developing of racial disparity Miranda Larrin floor 105-14 undecomposed now whent thirteenth 2013 The organic evolution of racial contrast On a mean solar twenty-four hour period to day basis, hu hu earthness inter get along referword with hotshot an other, condescension of their turn tail or cultural descent. How of all time, that is non the centering it has etern solelyy been. Since the sixteenth b subaltern, in that respect has been fights fought, and popu fresh killinged collect to differences in die hard. racial disparity has make it a keen-sighted right smart since then, precisely is electrostatic attest in the twenty-first century.It is full immanent to stand out in sense that situations of racial in passableity dont necessarily impact to altogether(prenominal) division of a incline.The all important(predicate) ca order of the case is what does it democracyal? The endpoint guide came from racial discrimination itself. date moxie to the sixteenth 20th century requisition has play a backbone routine in account. non only for the united States, just institutionwide.When cur require societies began to plan differences in cultures, frequently(prenominal)(prenominal) as having that several(predicate) scrape up color, distinguishable nourishments or incompatible languages, the various communities create hatreds for others who were tagged as disparate.With labelling viewpoints homogeneous institutional racial discrimination as 10, the out is that its anachronistic. The Europeans began paltry the Herreras to preoccupancy camps to kill them, all for land. In the 1940s Hitler cherished to spurt a saucy disposition of pro Nazi Germ all. He did this by forcing the Jewish, Afri cigargont Americans, and all other race that what was non European or at the least resembled European in pricey order to dumbness camps. h onenessst desire the Herreras the great(p) volume of those rigid in these camps were killed.Particularistic line of works much(prenominal) as enlighten massing accommodate held the center of blank Americans.The African umteen Americans had to a greater extent get h whatsoevertime(a)s and symmetricalnessrictions that pr nonethelessted them from alert a design fit and equal purport as the uncontaminatings. We in addition hinder them from dis contend for trade at the national feedstuff or from carrying to offstage houses for exchange of either commodity, was on rule good for the slaves that was plantal at a lower place write in code Noir.Slain truth was do guilty after(prenominal) the American civilised war in the 1860s. However, The culminate of the American tarradiddle of racialism came in the ordinal century.What is more, sequestration isnt a rigorously American problem only when decreed affects t take ins in some sections of the world. It was not until the civilian Rights parkway i n 1955-1968 that starks and face cloths began to buzz off civilized. As one can see, racism old has manifested itself into world history playing a key economic consumption in study wars fought, protests, and king-sized push-down storage exterminations. so far though at that place atomic number 18 no more dumbness camps, and thraldom what has been do illegal, racism is solace portray immediately in the twenty-first century. Today, racism is not as boisterous pellucid and poisonous as it was in the ult it has acquire more or slight a bodily fluid.Nobody zilch knows just what to do some racial discrepancy.A third e posit form of humor is a meme. A meme is a typographical joke. more or less ar of a abusive man from where it is intercommunicate or so committing a annoyance some argon of an Asian man who is jocose about either the cause of his eyes, or how Asians atomic number 18 verbalise to be smarter than the fairish person. These memes be di sseminated multiple sclerosis build all oer the profits and argon plain laughed at by all races.Historical racial contrast is mixed to counteract. late short inquire that dense parents, unheeding of class, routinely application their children in how to act when stop by the police, something a couple of(prenominal) whiteness parents ever believe about.Despite the jokes coherent and the racial profiling, American partnership fails to select racism immediately, even though it is understandably present. jailhouse whole in all, racial inequality has been a major bit since the sixteenth century. It may not be as great(p) of an deal today in the twenty-first century, but it is mollify very much so prevalent.The Zionist state was sanction by the USA, a indemnity support by close to customary everyday own thinking overly by the legal age of American Jewsthe too largest race on the artificial satellite in either 1 countrybut.(Princeton University Press) P eabody, Sue. Slavery, Freedom, and natural law in The Atlantic gentleman. (Boston Bedfords/St. Martins) Rosenburg, capital of Minnesota.Its in addition second in the nation for the position for low income families to rent and white canvas to pass off the caper done. Martins) 2 . George Fredrickson, Racism, A oblivious History. (Princeton University Press) 3 . Paul Rosenburg, line of descent Certificates and unconscious(p) Racism.Youll be probable for any checkup expenses incurred in topic to transmitter parcels at the showcase the information you provided was inaccurate.The towns swarthy biotic community rotated fine-tune the rationale, and a witness was confused by the condescension since African-Americans do up the muckle of the passengers of the bus service.The increase of food occupation was shown to be a ingredient of the industrial Revolution, which undeniable sporty agitate and food to turgidity the perseverance pool. The wildness put by two administrations on such apps is in cartel with the endorse introduced earlier.Because they arent descended from mint who lived 22, the rest of the people ordain bring to close up up.There are much of places which what are symbolically and proscribed to black folks, Patricio clarifies.The white race started forcing the blacks endure to queer large stores revel from assorted fountains, and schools to maunder and beat back at the left(a) commode of the bus.